Partner Financial Services lending specialists are here to guide you through the maze of lending options and the lending process. You will have a dedicated, knowledgeable expert to look after your interests, keep you updated on the lending process and available to answer any questions you may have.

Here are the answers to some commonly asked questions but if you have a question that isn’t on the list, please feel free to contact us – we’ll be more than happy to help.


What does a mortgage broker do?

In simple terms, a mortgage broker works with clients to determine their borrowing needs and ability, select a loan suited to their circumstances and manage the process through to settlement. However, at Partner Financial Services, we do a lot more than that. We prefer to look at the ‘big picture’ when it comes to helping our clients so we’ll also look for things like possible tax implications, ways to reduce fees, improve cash flow and so on.


If Partner Financial Services does more than other mortgage brokers, does this mean that you will also cost more?

No, it doesn’t. The commission that we earn is set by the lenders, not us. Our goal is to have happy, satisfied clients and we try and achieve this by providing added value wherever we can.


Do you just recommend the lender who pays you the most commission?

Definitely not. We will always recommend the best solution for you; the commission is not even a consideration. We want to build a long-term relationship with you based on trust and results, not spend our time chasing commissions.


Why should I use a mortgage broker if I can go with a bank?

The most important reason is the tailored advice you receive. A mortgage broker can recommend the best solution from a large panel of lenders – in our case, around 30 – but a bank will only choose one of its own products.

Also, a mortgage broker’s legal obligation is to the client while a bank’s is to the bank and its shareholders.


How much can I borrow?

Different banks have different lending policies so it’s best to talk to us first. Together, we can work out how much you can afford to borrow.


Do you charge fees for home and investment loans?

No, we don’t, but a fee may be applicable if you are using your Self Managed Super Fund to purchase property.


Which lenders do you deal with?

We work with a panel of 30 bank and non-bank lenders. Click here to see our lending panel.


Do you charge fees for commercial loans?

Yes, we do, but banks usually fully rebate any fees to the borrower. With commercial loans, scenarios can differ quite markedly and are often quite involved so fees are on a case-by-case basis.


I am not in your area, can you still help me?

Yes. We look after clients throughout Sydney and we also have several interstate and overseas clients, so it doesn’t matter where you are based.



Call us on (02) 9114 6232 if you have any other questions. We’re happy to help you.